
Trey Gowdy Lipstick

Benghazi Committee, Trey Gowdy, political

Trent Gowdy, Benghazi committee, lipstick on a pig, political committee, political cartoon

Trent Gowdy, Benghazi committee, lipstick on a pig, political committee, political cartoon


Israel Palestine Fighting

Israel, Pales

Israel, Palestine, Intifada, US, Peace Talks, political cartoon

Israel, Palestine, Intifada, US, Peace Talks, political cartoon

tine, Johj Kerry, political cartoon

Beer Makers Combine

Brewers, Inbev, Anheiser Busch, MillerCoors, political cartoon

Brewers Merge, SABMiller, ABI, AnheuserBuschInBev, political cartoon

Brewers Merge, SABMiller, ABI, AnheuserBuschInBev, political cartoon

Paul Ryan's Demands

Paul Ryan, speaker of the house, GOP House, political cartoon

Canada Elects Liberals

Canada, Justin Trudeau, jihab, Moslems, Liberal Party, political cartoon

Can ada, Liberals, Trudeau, political cartoon

Can ada, Liberals, Trudeau, political cartoon


Adelson and Rubio

Sheldon Adelson,. Marco Rubio, political cartoon

Marco Rubio,  Seldon Adelson, campaign contribution, political cartoon

Marco Rubio, Seldon Adelson, campaign contribution, political cartoon

Freedom Caucus Speaks

GOP right wingers, Freedom Caucus, political cartoon

Freedom Caucus, US house, GOP Right Wing, speaker of the house, political cartoon

Freedom Caucus, US house, GOP Right Wing, speaker of the house, political cartoon

Turks Shoot Russian Plane

Turks, Russian fighter plane, Putin, political cartoon

Putin, Turkey, shoot down, political cartoon

Putin, Turkey, shoot down, political cartoon

US Abandons Syria Training

US training, Syria, rebels, political cartoon

Syria, Rebels, US trainingm political cartoon

Syria, Rebels, US trainingm political cartoon

Boehner Asked to Stay

John Boehner, speaker race, House GOP, political cartoon

Boehner, GOP, Speaker job, Newt Gingrich, political cartoon

Boehner, GOP, Speaker job, Newt Gingrich, political cartoon